The Ministry of Education and Culture from Finland
Who are we?
The Ministry of Education and Culture in Finland participates in the work of the Government by planning, outlining and implementing its policies. These policies include development of education, science, cultural, sport and youth policies. The Ministry is responsible for ensuring that the political decision-makers have all the necessary information at their disposal when making decisions.
Why we are participating in the project
The Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture has a long tradition within the Bologna Process. They are leading the current presidency of the EU and will prepare all EU (and also BFUG) meetings that take place between July 2019 and January 2021. They have extensive experience in leading and organising meetings, not only within the presidency. Finland has also been a co-chair of the Bologna Peer Group on QF and ECTS since September 2018. Therefore they are a perfect partner in this project that seeks to build further on the work in the peer groups.
Our role in the project
The Ministry of Education and Culture is a partner in the project MICROBOL. Its main responsibilities include:
- Participating in the International Steering Committee
- Leading the Working Group on Qualifications Frameworks and ECTS, in collaboration with the experts
- Reporting on the activities of the Working Group
- Contributing to the framework on microcredentials
Our Team
Jonna Korhonen
Jonna Korhonen has lengthy experience in educational practices, policies and strategies in the education sector at institutional, national and international level. She started her career in higher education working with international affairs at the Finnish higher education institutions. During 2007 -2015 she lived several years in Brussels and worked for European University Association where she focused on European higher education policy development, including implementation of the Bologna process. She is experienced in managing EC funded projects, has conducted several higher education studies and evaluations in Europe and participated to European recognition networks and working groups.
Before joining the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture in 2018, she worked with the digitalisation, ICT development and digital service development in education sector. At the Ministry of Education and Culture, she works as Senior Ministerial Adviser at the higher education development unit where her responsibilities include European higher education policy development (Education Committee Member, Bologna Follow Up-Group Member, Member of Learning and Teaching WG), national higher education policy development, especially linked to the implementation of the Vision 2030 (changing learning environments, digitalisation).
Jonna Korhonen holds a MSc degree in Geography from the University of Turku.
Maija Innola
Maija Innola is Senior Ministerial Advisor at the Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture. She is a higher education policy expert and she has a lengthy experience of preparing and implementing policies and strategies in the higher education sector both nationally and internationally. Maija Innola is a member of the Bologna Follow-up Group and a member of the Steering Committee for Educational Policy and Practice (CDPPE) of the Council of Europe and a Vice-chair of the CDPPE since 2019.
Maija Innola holds a MA degree in History from the University of Helsinki. She has also completed a study programme in Administration and Management of Higher Education.