Please do not forget to fill in the evaluation form, if you attended the conference. Your feedback is very useful for us. 16:04:152022-04-19 14:41:10MICROBOL Final Conference presentations and recording
The MICROBOL project partners and experts publish their Common Framework for Micro-credentials in the European Higher Education Area (EHEA). This is the culmination of two years of work in the framework of the MICROBOL project, as it builds on the expertise built up in working groups, a Europe-wide survey and general interaction with numerous partners in the field. The framework represents the consensus on micro-credentials reached to this point. It shows how the Bologna key commitments are applicable to micro-credentials, as it zooms in on Quality Assurance, Recognition and Qualifications Framework and ECTS.
The framework is presented during the final conference of the MICROBOL project on 8 March 2022. 11:38:022022-03-08 11:38:04MICROBOL framework published
The Final Conference of the MICROBOL project will take place today, 8 March 2022. The conference will be streamed via the link below. You are welcome to join us there at 13:30h CET.
Please find the programme and more information on the conference here. 09:19:182022-03-08 10:22:39The MICROBOL Final Conference takes place today
Join us for the Final Conference of the MICROBOL project. During the Final Conference, the MICROBOL project partners will present the Common Framework for Micro-credentials in the European Higher Education Area, that has been developed within the project. We will discuss the role of micro-credentials in higher education and how they relate to the Bologna key commitments.
Date: Tuesday 8 March 2022
Time: 13:00 – 17:00h CET
Place: online
Opening of the platform
Welcome address Ann Verhaegen, Secretary-general, Flemish Ministry of Education and Training
Presentation of the project Magalie Soenen, Project coordinator, Flemish Ministry of Education and Training
Council Recommendation on a European approach to micro credentials for lifelong learning and employability Kinga Szuly, European Commission DG Education, Youth, Sport and Culture
Common framework for Micro-credentials in the European Higher Education Area Magalie Soenen, Project coordinator, Flemish Ministry of Education and Training
Health break
Recommendations from the Microbol project QA – Elena Cirlan, EUA Recognition – Chiara Finocchietti, CIMEA Qualification Frameworks & ECTS – Jonna Korhonen, Finnish Ministry of Education and Culture
Panel with MICROBOL experts on the road ahead Moderator – Maria Kelo
Concluding remarks Magalie Soenen, Project coordinator, Flemish Ministry of Education and Training
Registration for the conference is required and can be done via our registration form. The link for the online final conference will be sent to all registered participants in due time. The event is open for all who are interested and participation is free. The event is especially targeted towards representatives of higher education institutions and networks, national ministries responsible for higher education, quality assurance agencies, recognition bodies and European stakeholder organisations in the field of higher education. 13:10:212022-03-07 16:50:51MICROBOL Final Conference, 8/3/2022
Join us for the Final Conference of the MICROBOL project. During the Final Conference, the MICROBOL project partners will present the Common Framework for Micro-credentials in the European Higher Education Area, that has been developed within the project. We will discuss the role of micro-credentials in higher education and how they relate to the Bologna key commitments.
Date: Tuesday 8 March 2022
Time: 13:00 – 17:00h CET
Place: online 13:23:152022-01-28 13:24:56MICROBOL Final Conference: Save-the-date 8/3/2022